Outland服务器定于2017年5月20日 服务器时间13:30 开始运营。
- 五倍经验。
- 技能训练费用为原来的20%。
- 其他的倍率都保持不变。
- 服务器将以2.1版本为初始版本,再逐步更新。
- 我们将开放的副本有:卡拉赞,格鲁尔的巢穴,玛瑟里顿的巢穴,毒蛇神殿,风暴要塞。
- 奎尔丹纳斯岛将随着版本的推进而开放。正如原本的设计一样,奎尔丹纳斯岛也在不断的随着版本的更迭改进。
- PVP将从第1季角斗士开始。
- 跨服市场至少会关闭一个月以上,即便开放后,市场也只能交易在玩家中常见的物品。跨服市场会根据实际情况不断调整。
- 增值服务,如双天赋,转变阵营,重新捏人和类似的变化,我们不排除会提供此类服务的可能,我们需要点时间来权衡利弊。
我们希望在outland服务器中的 外域 见到你! (英文 outland 意为 外域)
A & Q
问:outland服务器 相关bug修复是否适用于 Lordaeron服务器 和Icecrown服务器?
Outland国人集散中心 543545459
Greetings Warmane community,
After months of meticulous research, work, a joke or two and thousands of hours of passion poured into making our dream come true, we are finally able to announce the release date of Outland, the Warmane Burning Crusade realm.
Outland is scheduled to be released on May 20, 2017 at 13:00 server time.
As announced previously, the realm's design will be the following:
x5 experience rate.
Trainer costs will be lowered to 20% of original cost.
All other rates will be x1.
The realm will be progression based, emulating the 2.1 patch on the beginning, with all respective attunements.
The following raid content will be available at the beginning: Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, Serpentshrine Cavern, Tempest Keep.
Isle of Quel'Danas will be closed until the realm reaches that point in progression. The isle itself will be progressive as it was designed, once released.
PvP gear will be Season 1, Gladiator gear.
The marketplace will not be implemented for at least a month and on release it will only contain items that were already obtained by the players. The marketplace itself will be progressive.
Quality of life additions, such as dual spec, faction change, re-customization and similar changes, we are positive about their implementations but will take longer time to consider pros and cons.
Since the start of the PTR we have continuously demonstrated our skills and ability to handle any issues we find with ease. Within two weeks of publishing a changelog containing over 1,400 fixes we were able to produce another changelog including again over 1,000 fixes. This clearly shows our unchallenged strength and capabilities and we will continue to work at that pace as long as it is required and deal with absolutely any issues that come our way.
We encourage all players to log on our PTR and see the quality for themselves and we appreciate any reports and feedback that come out of it. We will continue to work hard on the realm after the release as well and we are hoping to see more feedback. The dedication to provide the experience we seek and the community seeks will remain strong throughout the release and well after. In the meanwhile, we encourage players to make the best of their remaining time on the PTR and help us forge the ultimate experience on Warmane.
See you in Outland on Outland,
Q: Will relevant bug-fixes on Outland be applied to Lordaeron and Icecrown?
A: Yes, of course.
Q: Patch 2.1 content? Will that include +1 token drops and T6 content?
A: No. That will come when the realm progresses.
Q: Dual-spec?! Awesome!
A: We are considering it and we are positive about it but it most probably will not come on server release right away. If done, it will not be done in the game but on the website. We are not a fan of custom commands or custom NPCs.
Q: Heroic dungeons will require honored reputation? (Like in patch 2.3.0?)
A: They will require revered reputation standing on launch of the realm. It will be lowered to honored when the realm progresses to that point.
Q: Since T4 and T5 are being available on release, wouldn't that mean imbalance for pvp?
A: No. This is how it was done on retail, and in order to get access to T5 gear, you have to fully clear and gear through T4 content.
Q: Does that mean you changed your mind? Before, you stated that the marketplace will only include items that are already common among alot of players. Now it kinda seems when one person on the server will get glaives, it will be implemented in marketplace (just example).
A: One person acquiring an item does not mean it's going to be on the marketplace. Marketplace item releases will only happen when those items have been obtained and farmed by a lot of players already.
Q: What will be the population cap for the server?
A: We're not sure yet. It will require live stress testing. We may start with a moderate cap and raise it as our hardware and systems allow.
Q: Will you be selling gold?
A: No, we will not be. Whether we allow gold to be traded for coins between players on our marketplace remains to be seen.
Q: Will there be an instant-level-70 feature?
A: We have not decided upon this point just yet.